Monday, February 4, 2013


  • Deep 
    • offers illusion of 3d depth on a 2d screen
    • no real depth in screen space, illusion is conveyed through depth cues
      • perspective - 1, 2, and 3 point (draw buildings)
        • perspective creates VANISHING POINTS and LONGITUDINAL PLANES
        • Audience's eye will be usually drawn to and on-screen vanishing point (
          • draw railroad tracks)
          • draw two vanishing planes, with actor on outside, then actor on inside, at VP. Compare the two.
      • size difference
        • separating objects/actors into FG, MG and BG helps create depth
      • movement
        • moving parallel to the picture plane:
          • objects further away will appear to move slower across screen
          • objects closer will appear to move faster
          • draw track runners to demonstrate
        • moving perpendicular to picture plane
          • objects appear to move faster the closer they are to the camera
      • camera movement
        • dolly in/out = moving camera closer or farther from the subject
        • draw scene with FG actor and two BG actors, then dolly in
        • FG actor will get larger faster
        • tracking shot - camera dollies left/right
        • with one FG and three BG actors, FG actor appears to move faster horizontally in screen space.
        • crane shot - camera is moved vertically up or down.
        • same FG/BG actor combo - FG actor will drop out of frame faster than BG guys
      • Textural diffusion
        • objects that are closer to the camera will have more visible texture
      • Arial diffusion
        • fog
        • must have objects affected and unaffected in both the same shot in order to be an effective depth cue
      • Tonal separation 
        • light objects generally appear closer, dark objects generally recede
        • can also be reverse, depending on lighting and arial diffusion
      • Color seperation
        • warm colors generally appear to be closer
        • cool colors generally appear to be further away
      • Up/Down position
        • objects lower in the frame appear to be closer than objects higher in the frame (maybe because they appear more accessible?)
      • Overlap
        • overlapping objects in the frame create depth
      • Focus
        • blur vs sharp
  • Flat
    • emphasizes the 2d aspects of the screen space
    • flat cues:
      • frontal planes and NO LONGITUDINAL PLANES
      • size consistency
      • movement
        • movement parallel to picture plane = good
      • camera movement - pans, tilts and zooms
        • help emphasize flat space because the relative distance between/size of objects does not change in the shot.
      • textural affinity
        • same amount of textural detail
      • reduced tonal seperation
      • reduced color separation (affinity of color)
      • reduced overlapping shapes
      • inverted depth cues
        • inverting or reversing depth cues can help flatten deep space
          • tone: placing brighter  obis in the BG and darker ones in the FG
          • color: warm BG, cool FG
          • textural diffusion: make BG obis have more texture and FG ones have less
          • size difference: place larger objs farther away, and small ones closer.
  • Limited
    • combo of deep and flat space cues
  • Ambiguous
    • occurs when viewer is unable to understand the actual size/spatial relationships between objects in the frame
      • lack of movement -
      • objects of unknown size or shape
      • tonal and textural camouflage
      • mirrors and reflections
      • disorienting camera angles

    • dramatic
    • exciting
    • edgy
    • can be used to release tension
    • calming
    • comedic
    • disarming
    • can be used to build tension/claustrophobia and awkwardness
    • wes anderson!
    • combo of both
    • mysterious
    • disorienting
    • chaotic

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