Monday, February 18, 2013

Iron Giant notes + group boarding exercise!

Iron Giant notes

8:00 - rather than show H fully climb tree, they cut through the tree
8:33 - H's "getting ready" sequence foreshadows IG's hidden side by showing the red menace comic.
10:34 - great camera shot/move here - starts leaving space behind H to suggest vulnerability, then pulls back on IG reveal to show difference in size
11:00 - 11:10 - cross cutting
11:20 - back to mom at the house - mega cross cutting here - this whole sequence cuts back and forth between mom and H in the forest.
11:30 - cause and effect - power outage because of H's actions
12:20 - great weight animation on power switch
13:24 - great arcing animation on the way down.
15:55 - red trees and red tractor frame the actors in the center
16:22 - great reveal on KM starts with the logo on the car, pans up to KM's face, then follows badge gesture
18:50 - H meets G beats:
 - H goes to forest and sets "trap" 
 - H falls asleep
 - H wakes up to see the bait is gone
 - Look of terror on H's face, bumps into destroyed "bait"
- H looks up to reveal IG
- H runs from IG
- H slams into tree

22:45 - note the cut on spinning action - KM's gesture matches H's perfectly

24:14 - train tracks in shot foreshadow event about to happen
24:23 - framing here is perfect - tree line leads eye from IG to H to tracks
24:45 - hope and fear!

26:25 - cuts from KM on phone to car speeding away - brilliant!
28:00 - hope and fear in the kitchen!
29:11 - characters solving problems
34:35 - foreshadowing!
34:55 - 35:10 - great camera moves to show size/scale
41:42 - curved line of junk serves as pillow for IG (and leads eye there too)
42:50 - H's phone conversation becomes increasingly more difficult as KM is eavesdropping. Getting H tangled up in the cord enhances this visually.
1:03 - weather change reenforces story change!
1:06:35 - scramble the jets - amazing cut from phone to white house to jet after burner!

1:06:50 - 1:07:30 - group boarding exercise!

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