Monday, February 18, 2013

Iron Giant notes + group boarding exercise!

Iron Giant notes

8:00 - rather than show H fully climb tree, they cut through the tree
8:33 - H's "getting ready" sequence foreshadows IG's hidden side by showing the red menace comic.
10:34 - great camera shot/move here - starts leaving space behind H to suggest vulnerability, then pulls back on IG reveal to show difference in size
11:00 - 11:10 - cross cutting
11:20 - back to mom at the house - mega cross cutting here - this whole sequence cuts back and forth between mom and H in the forest.
11:30 - cause and effect - power outage because of H's actions
12:20 - great weight animation on power switch
13:24 - great arcing animation on the way down.
15:55 - red trees and red tractor frame the actors in the center
16:22 - great reveal on KM starts with the logo on the car, pans up to KM's face, then follows badge gesture
18:50 - H meets G beats:
 - H goes to forest and sets "trap" 
 - H falls asleep
 - H wakes up to see the bait is gone
 - Look of terror on H's face, bumps into destroyed "bait"
- H looks up to reveal IG
- H runs from IG
- H slams into tree

22:45 - note the cut on spinning action - KM's gesture matches H's perfectly

24:14 - train tracks in shot foreshadow event about to happen
24:23 - framing here is perfect - tree line leads eye from IG to H to tracks
24:45 - hope and fear!

26:25 - cuts from KM on phone to car speeding away - brilliant!
28:00 - hope and fear in the kitchen!
29:11 - characters solving problems
34:35 - foreshadowing!
34:55 - 35:10 - great camera moves to show size/scale
41:42 - curved line of junk serves as pillow for IG (and leads eye there too)
42:50 - H's phone conversation becomes increasingly more difficult as KM is eavesdropping. Getting H tangled up in the cord enhances this visually.
1:03 - weather change reenforces story change!
1:06:35 - scramble the jets - amazing cut from phone to white house to jet after burner!

1:06:50 - 1:07:30 - group boarding exercise!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Film clips

Ways to safely cross 180:

  1. Camera crosses the line
  2. Actor crosses the line
  3. New actor enters the scene and establishes new line

Creating and re-establishing new 180 lines:

180 degree triangle:

180 degree rule CAN be broken intentionally...

The Matrix subway fight (0:00 - 1:50)

Paprika explains the 180 degree rule:

American Beauty:

No Country for Old Men (framing, pacing, camera push-in):

breakdown and board ( 1:15 - 2:12 )

The Godfather - note camera push in right before shooting:

Amelie - puts camera in the mental space of the blind man:

Midnight in Paris: - separation of characters

Billy Ellliot - reveal of info: (0:55 - 1:20)

2001: reveal of info:

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Line and Shape

edge, contour, closure, intersection of planes, imita- tion through distance, axis, and track.
Edge - edge of a 2d surface creates the line. Only visible if there is tonal or color contrast to pop it out.
examples: sheet of white paper against black, shadows cast on wall
Contour - the apparent line around the border of a 3d object
Closure - connect the dots, etc. Viewers create lines through connecting dots on screen
Intersection of planes - When two planes meet, they appear to form a line
Imitation through distance - complex objects recede into lines at a distance
Axis - invisible axis that runs through people, objects, etc
Track - the path an object makes as it moves across the screen

Linear motif - any pic can be reduced to simple lines. A pic's linear motif can be circular, straight, horiz, vert, or diagonal, or any combination of.

Horizontal - calming, least intense of all line motifs
Verticial - authoritarian, more intense
Diagonal - dynamic, most intense of all line motifs

Straight lines:

  • direct
  • aggressive
  • bland
  • honest
  • industrial
  • ordered
  • strong
  • unnatural
  • adult
  • rigid
Curved lines:
  • indirect
  • passive
  • natural
  • childlike
  • romantic
  • soft
  • organic
  • safe
  • flexible
  • Actors - when reduced to silhouette, what are the basic shapes?
  • Scenery
  • Set dressing - furniture, etc
  • Simplify

3 basic shapes - circle, square, equilateral triangle

3 basic shapes - sphere, cube, 3 sided pyramid

All objects/shapes can be reduced to these basic shapes
Circle - benign, innocent, cute
Square - less cute than circle, rigid
Triangle - most dynamic of the shapes, because:
1. contains diagonal
2. Can be used to POINT in a direction - it's an arrow!
triangles often are described as bold, aggressive, dynamic, angry, menacing, scary, chaotic, disorienting, and unorganized
Contrast and affinity - circle and triangle have maximum contrast
Creating a linear motif storyboard to help discover/plan contrast/affinity in your shots

Monday, February 4, 2013


  • Deep 
    • offers illusion of 3d depth on a 2d screen
    • no real depth in screen space, illusion is conveyed through depth cues
      • perspective - 1, 2, and 3 point (draw buildings)
        • perspective creates VANISHING POINTS and LONGITUDINAL PLANES
        • Audience's eye will be usually drawn to and on-screen vanishing point (
          • draw railroad tracks)
          • draw two vanishing planes, with actor on outside, then actor on inside, at VP. Compare the two.
      • size difference
        • separating objects/actors into FG, MG and BG helps create depth
      • movement
        • moving parallel to the picture plane:
          • objects further away will appear to move slower across screen
          • objects closer will appear to move faster
          • draw track runners to demonstrate
        • moving perpendicular to picture plane
          • objects appear to move faster the closer they are to the camera
      • camera movement
        • dolly in/out = moving camera closer or farther from the subject
        • draw scene with FG actor and two BG actors, then dolly in
        • FG actor will get larger faster
        • tracking shot - camera dollies left/right
        • with one FG and three BG actors, FG actor appears to move faster horizontally in screen space.
        • crane shot - camera is moved vertically up or down.
        • same FG/BG actor combo - FG actor will drop out of frame faster than BG guys
      • Textural diffusion
        • objects that are closer to the camera will have more visible texture
      • Arial diffusion
        • fog
        • must have objects affected and unaffected in both the same shot in order to be an effective depth cue
      • Tonal separation 
        • light objects generally appear closer, dark objects generally recede
        • can also be reverse, depending on lighting and arial diffusion
      • Color seperation
        • warm colors generally appear to be closer
        • cool colors generally appear to be further away
      • Up/Down position
        • objects lower in the frame appear to be closer than objects higher in the frame (maybe because they appear more accessible?)
      • Overlap
        • overlapping objects in the frame create depth
      • Focus
        • blur vs sharp
  • Flat
    • emphasizes the 2d aspects of the screen space
    • flat cues:
      • frontal planes and NO LONGITUDINAL PLANES
      • size consistency
      • movement
        • movement parallel to picture plane = good
      • camera movement - pans, tilts and zooms
        • help emphasize flat space because the relative distance between/size of objects does not change in the shot.
      • textural affinity
        • same amount of textural detail
      • reduced tonal seperation
      • reduced color separation (affinity of color)
      • reduced overlapping shapes
      • inverted depth cues
        • inverting or reversing depth cues can help flatten deep space
          • tone: placing brighter  obis in the BG and darker ones in the FG
          • color: warm BG, cool FG
          • textural diffusion: make BG obis have more texture and FG ones have less
          • size difference: place larger objs farther away, and small ones closer.
  • Limited
    • combo of deep and flat space cues
  • Ambiguous
    • occurs when viewer is unable to understand the actual size/spatial relationships between objects in the frame
      • lack of movement -
      • objects of unknown size or shape
      • tonal and textural camouflage
      • mirrors and reflections
      • disorienting camera angles

    • dramatic
    • exciting
    • edgy
    • can be used to release tension
    • calming
    • comedic
    • disarming
    • can be used to build tension/claustrophobia and awkwardness
    • wes anderson!
    • combo of both
    • mysterious
    • disorienting
    • chaotic