Sunday, March 10, 2013

rhythm and pacing

  • Contrast and Affinity:
    • 1st shot - deep
    • 2nd shot - deep 
    • 3rd shot - flat
  • Plenty of creative 180 switches/cuts here
  • Everything here is ying/yang - 
    • Morpheous wears black, neo white. 
    • Morpheous' gestures are subdued, neon's elaborate
    • Neo's camera into shot pushes in (to suggest he is the learner, the absorber)
    • M's shot pulls out (to suggest he is the teacher, and has info to give)

  • Shaky cam everywhere!!!
  • Note the many ways the directors frame the train wheels flying off the flatbed. Variety and contrast = visual intensity!
  • Note how the quick pacing in the beginning is contrasted by the slow pacing at the end, where the bad guy's vehicle is destroyed.

  • Breakdown first 1:30 - note camera moves, framing, pacing.
  • Note how the camera moves, follows, starts, stops, etc
  • Note the surprises the camerawork allows the audience to experience
  • Note how the camera stops moving after certain portions of the chase, allowing the actors to keep moving in the frame and the audience to rest and absorb.

  • The camera leads Loiotta's character to Deniro
  • The zolly (zoom + dolly) changes the perspective and suggests that the relationship between the two characters has just changed
  • The zolly also puts the audience in a strange space, specially...similar to what Loiotta's character is going through.

  • Gyllenhal's character uses the salt and pepper shakers to illustrate the abstract geometry of the crime scene they are talking about.
  • The waitress delivers the check at the moment Ruffalo's character realizes who the killer is.
  • This helps emphasize the beat - check please = realization that the case is solved!

  • the cuts in the first sequence are matched to the rhythm of the accusations
  • Zuckerberg is centered in all of the shots, and everything in the room is used as a means of zeroing in on him
  • woody allen intentionally separates the two actors in this shot to show the divide between them
  • Owen Wilson's character is a blurred reflection in the shot featuring the girlfriend
  • Are these characters being brought together or pushed apart?

  • This sequence features some really really really lovely camera moves
  • The moves of both the camera and actors tends to be upwards, complementing the uplifting feeling of being in love

  • The pacing in the beginning of the sequence is slow - this is the setup.
  • The pacing during the blind man walk sequence is quick - suggesting the fleeting glimpses the blind man is getting from Amelie
    • Group boarding exercise - start to 1:25

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