Monday, November 26, 2012

Incredibles Part 2

This is the first time we really see Violet's eyes, and also the first time she puts on her mask. It's symbolic in that Violet is learning to both be confident of who she is, and protect herself and her identity at the same time.

Many of the props and architectural openings in the film reenforce the oval i dot seen in the incredibles logo. Here, the hangar opening and the hull of the travel pod form two overlapping oval shapes. Even the shape of the ship wings are oval from above! Even the entrance to the tunnel is oval shaped!


The triangular shape of the rocket contrasts all of the rounded oval shapes we've been seeing, making it stand out.

1:17:40 ish

The movement and arrangement of the two guards work as a framing element for the reveal of Helen suspended above.

Sublime oval and triangular shapes in both the scene and Helen's pose make the shot extremely impactfull.

1:18 - 1:19:10
Note that despite the complexity of the action, Helen is always moving left to right in this sequence, until the elevator sequence, where the 180 is flipped.

1:18:17 - eyes leave the shot looking into the empty space screen left
1:18:18 - the keycard in the next shot is exactly where your eyes are looking!

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